occupa la rete con la tua musica!
This is a service which FREAKart offers, with the collaboration of the magazine FREAK OUT, to all bands and single artist that are inierested in having their place in Internet.
Bands@net wants to be a reference for all who are into the music-biz and for those who are simply interested in knowing new bands.
The idea it's to create a multimedial archive that could be updated each time with infos, live shows, contacts, etc... This archive will be in to the most important italian and worldwide seek motors (Yellou, ShinySeek, Yahoo, Licos, Alta Vista...) and will have, of course, links exchange to musical sites. Moreover each band could have on his page an example of his music and a part of video.
Bands@net it's an informative site with no distinction of kind of music. Each band has his place on a web page (html) with photos, logo, bio, news, ect... FREAKart offers graphic design, html programming and e-mail.

This service is completaly FREE!

For more info, please contact us.

via M. D'Ungheria 120 - I-84018 Scafati (SA)
tel/fax +39-81-8637021 or 5529780
